Thursday, December 27, 2007

Dank Doo

So we really aren't the type of parents who force their children to sit on Santa's lap, but while Becca was at the mall Lyndi got all excited to go and see the "ho ho ho," so she let her out of the stroller. The girl ran right up and sat on his lap, but then she started to realize what she had done and was looking a little nervous. He gave her a little sucker and she gave him a "dank doo" but she still kept an eye on him. You can never be too careful with people who you've only ever seen on an ornament, seasonal plate or stuffed. Anyways, there were no tears, so we count it a success.

1 comment:

Barb said...

She looks so cautious! Glad it wasn't traumatic for her. =)

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