Saturday, September 20, 2008

West Nile Here I Come

So I know this picture is gross and not very flattering of my oh so lovely white legs but this has got to be a record. One hour outside in Utah (not even a foreign country where this is prob more common) 7-8 oclock pm, running around playing soccer (soccer socks up to my knees) and I woke up this morning with 35 mosquito bites just from my knees down! So that is why, even though I hhate this picture I had to prove its not a lie. Also if I die suddenly you might be able to guess how.


Michelle said...

Ouch! Sorry Rebecca, that doesn't look like fun. It's probably because your "blood is like barbecue sauce".

The Batistas said...

Hey, I know exactly how that feels. And you may wake up in the middle of the night thinking you are going to die beacuse of the itch! The thing i find that works better on excessive bites is an ice pack. seriously thats the only way I could get it to stop itching long enough to get back to sleep. GOOD LUCK!

Justin...&...Andrea said...

35 BITES!!! Geez Becca, are you trying to become Bella from the Twilight series...I just have to inform you that those were from vampires...not you need to look elsewhere to get bitten...if you know what I mean! ha ha Hows life? Did you know Im having a baby girl? Any motherly advice? I put a pregnancy pic up on my'll have to check it out!

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