Okay, so the vid-clip is a little wierd . . . but I had to have this song in the post because it's great for Lyndi's first trick-or-treating experience. We went to Becca's Family's trunk-or-treat thing and it only took her two cars to get the system down. I hold my basket up and look cute - you hand over the candy - and if you lower the bowl I frantically grab as much as I can!
At first she was very concerned about keeping toto in the basket, but when the candy started coming

She is in love with M&M's so we let her keep some of those, but we tried to hide most of the candy when we put her to bed - you can't hide things while she's in the house. Even if she's in the other room . . . she can sense that the candy is on the move and she won't tolerate it. So later we went to Kelly & Becky's house and she developed a love-hate relationship with their little moving trick-or-treat doll. She was freaked out by it, but she didn't want us to put it away! She is so funny sometimes - Halloween is great when you have a kid!

What do you think about Trunk-or-treats (1) vs. traditional door-to-door (2)? Everyone seems to think that the trunk-or-treat is safer, but door-to-door seems to have done fine for the past 100 years. Is it really getting more and more dangerous to trick or treat or are parents just getting more and more paranoid? I guess to the kids, as long as we get the candy, the method isn't as important.
1 comment:
Hi Becca and Jake!
I found your blog through everyone else's, and i just wanted to say hello! Hope you guys are doing well. Your little girl is so cute, i love the Dorothy outfit! Take care!
Jordan (Clarkson) Frazier
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