Sunday, November 25, 2007

Turkey Day (Program)

Thanksgiving with my mom's family is great - we do it in a cultural hall and this year my Grandma told my mom, "I sure wish there were a program at these get-togethers." So, naturally, we built a human pyramid on the stage and my little brother Isaac read turkey jokes into a microphone - probably not what Grandma meant, but it was entertaining anyways.


Barb said...

So fun! Don't you have a huge family too? Lots of cousins or something...oh, and I told my parents hi for you. =) They say hi back. And if you guys are ever up this've got plenty of people who would feed you!

Anonymous said...

Well, it doesn't get better than a human pyrimid! There was trouble when it started getting too high for people to get up to their layer, but twelve people for one pyrimid ain't bad!

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